[Cicero, Letter to Papirius Paetus]
Last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire: Living a low-key, modern-day life in Scotland.
18 November 2010
Dining with Friends
[Cicero, Letter to Papirius Paetus]
7 November 2010
Shelf Life - Portobello, November 2010
24 October 2010
Pliny on Man
5."Man alone of living creatures has been given grief, on him alone has luxury been bestowed in countless forms and through every single limb - and likewise ambition, greed and a boundless desire for living, superstitions, anxiety about burial ands even about what there will be after his life ends. No creature's life is more fragile; none has a greater lust for everything; none a more confused sense of fear or a fiercer anger. To sum up, other creatures gather and take thier stand against other species; ... But man, I swear, experiences most ills at the hands of his fellow men."
28 September 2010
Loch Leven Castle, Kinross-shire
Our most recent foray, took the imperial court to my home of Kinross-shire on the beautiful banks of Loch Leven. The small ferry boat carried us to the historical Castle Island; site of the famous stronghold that once served as a prison to the unhappy figure, Mary Queen of Scots .
23 September 2010
Seneca on Stoicism & Restraint

Image of An Emperor: Domitian

[Suetonius, Domitian, 18]
30 August 2010
21 July 2010
Honouring the Dead

At a newly dedicated cemetery near the French town of Fromelles, The Prince of Wales and other dignitaries, laid to rest the remains of scores of WWI servicemen, only recently discovered in an unmarked grave.
See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10679715
This very current event reminded me of a similar homage undertaken by a prince of Rome to a foreign battlefield. A Roman prince that also sought to honour the fallen soldiers of his great empire.

Empires have always honoured their war-dead and their princes are perhaps destined to always re-visit past battlefields in their efforts to pay homage to the fallen.
20 July 2010
9 July 2010
Dunnottar Castle
4 July 2010
Augustus on Risk
"He [Augustus] was wont to say that:"
24 June 2010
World Cup Mutinies & The Restoration of Order
This month the Imperial court has followed the great footballing games with interest!
Many nations - great and small - have gathered from around the world to do battle in the magnificent arenas of the exotic African Cape.
Having chosen not to field an imperial team from our own modest domains, the Emperor has found it strangely liberating to observe the games from a truly non-partisan perspective.

Despite our neutral stance, it has been observed that these games are already producing some surprises to the perceived natural order of the soccer world.
Great footballing empires have seemed to teeter on the brink of sporting, if not even moral, collapse. While so-called weaker nations have emerged successful and have even flourished in the heat and altitude of South Africa.

One clear feature of such upsets - perhaps their cause or their effect - has manifested itself in the ill-discipline and motivational disintegration of supposedly mighty teams such as France and England.
Squads that are rumoured to have turned on themselves: have been reported as arguing with one another; rejecting the authority of their commanders; and approaching something akin to professional mutiny.
With this in mind, I have recently addressed myself to the question as to just how my Roman ancestors would react to such ill-discipline and the rejection of authority:
"If it ever happens that a large body of men break and run in this way and whole maniples desert their posts under extreme pressure, the officers reject the idea of beating to death or executing all who are guilty, but the solution that they adopt is as effective as it is terrifying. The tribune calls the legion on parade and brings to the front those who are guilty of having left the ranks. He then reprimands them sharply, and finally chooses by lot some five or eight or twenty of the offenders, the number being calculated so that it represents about a tenth of those that have shown themselves guilty of cowardice. Those on whom the lot has fallen are mercilessly clubbed to death ... [by their comrades in arms]. The danger and the fear of drawing the fatal lot threatens every man equally, and since there is no certainty on whom it may fall ... the Romans have adopted the best possible practice both to inspire terror and to repair the harm done by the weakening of their warlike spirit." *
[Polybius, The Rise of the Roman Empire, VI.38]
Now all men know that I am a liberal Emperor and I am certainly no national team manager.

However, I do run an empire and I cannot help but wonder if - by utilising the wisdom of the ancients - I might not be able to assist such blighted teams with the restoration of discipline and the imposed promotion of stability within their troubled ranks?
* This well known account of the Greek historian Polybius relates the infamous Roman practice of decimation. A punishment reserved for the most extreme cases of collective military cowardice, desertion and ill-discipline.
For the rumoured squad troubles that have blighted the French and English national sides, See:
20 June 2010
The Exuberance of Imperial Youth
Pliny on the Nature of Exotic Birds

In book 10 of his encyclopaedic Natural Historia, Pliny notes:
15 June 2010
Shelf Life - The Vase
The vase below has long been special to me and appears always to have belonged at my Mum's.
It fills me strongly with a sense of my own childhood. I was never allowed near it as a child! But now as a mature Emperor - she can't stop me.
9 June 2010
There May be Trouble Ahead ...
6 June 2010
Unstable Gables - An Imperial Perspective
In late March, the emperor's court was shocked to hear of a ceiling collapse at old uncle Nero's famed Golden Palace - Domus Aurea. Situated between the Esquiline and Palatine hills in the centre of ancient Rome, the palace has stood for more than 2000 years. It was perhaps to have been expected that time would take its toll eventually.
'Rome was not built in a day' and it has certainly not decayed in one day either.
As if news from the old empire was not enough, consultation with my own august mother has recently confirmed that roofing work is also now required on my family's own imperial residence in Scotland.
The work required is not inconsiderable, and although I know the improvements will be sound, I find myself wondering for how long that roof will endure?
Will it be that my dynasty's own modest palace will endure into the futures of men as yet not even born?
[Master Roofer at work on the Imperial palace; applying wet harling]
For the recent collapse of the Domus Aurea see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8595660.stm
For the palace itself see also:
31 May 2010
Cramond Island, Edinburgh
One of my esteemed antecedents, Antoninus Pius (86 - 161 AD) built a fort at Cramond in the 140's AD. Its nice to pop back on a Summer's evening to view the old place. Its funny to muse that the northern most limmits of Antonius's old empire are now at the very centre of mine.
12 May 2010
Caesar on Friends
[Suetonius, Caesar, 72]
7 April 2010
Image of an Emperor: Vespasian
[Suetonius, Vespasian, 20]
11 March 2010
South Queensferry

For more info see:
20 February 2010
Image of an Emperor: Nero

[Suetonius, Nero, 51]
17 February 2010
Rugby on the Beach
12 January 2010
As Old As the Hills
"Men may come and men may go,
But we go on forever."

[Extract from the Kinorss-shire Advertiser - 12th July 1912]
7 January 2010
Image of an Emperor: Claudius

Could there ever have been any doubt that I was a Roman Emperor? Given that as an adult I have been fatefully unsure of my career path in li...
Funny how it seems that some objects have been in the family for ever. The vase below has long been special to me and appears always to h...
It seems that 2010 has not been kind to imperial roofs! In late March, the emperor's court was shocked to hear of a ceiling collapse ...