6 June 2010

Unstable Gables - An Imperial Perspective

It seems that 2010 has not been kind to imperial roofs!

In late March, the emperor's court was shocked to hear of a ceiling collapse at old uncle Nero's famed Golden Palace - Domus Aurea. Situated between the Esquiline and Palatine hills in the centre of ancient Rome, the palace has stood for more than 2000 years. It was perhaps to have been expected that time would take its toll eventually.

'Rome was not built in a day' and it has certainly not decayed in one day either.

As if news from the old empire was not enough, consultation with my own august mother has recently confirmed that roofing work is also now required on my family's own imperial residence in Scotland.

The work required is not inconsiderable, and although I know the improvements will be sound, I find myself wondering for how long that roof will endure?

Will it be that my dynasty's own modest palace will endure into the futures of men as yet not even born?

[Master Roofer at work on the Imperial palace; applying wet harling]

For the recent collapse of the Domus Aurea see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8595660.stm

For the palace itself see also:

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