146. "Only dogs know their master and recognise a stranger if he arrives unexpectedly. They alone recognise their own names and the voice of members of the family. Dogs remember the way to places, however far away, and no animal has a better memory, except man."

147. "... Every day of our lives we find very many other qualities in dogs ... but the acuteness of their senses is particularly remarkable. A dog explores and follows tracks, dragging the handler who accompanies it by the lead. ... [H]ow silent and secret, but how significant, an indication its tail gives, then its muzzle. So, even when they are worn out by old age and blind and weak, men carry their dogs in their arms, waiting for winds and scents and pointing their muzzles towards [them]."
[Pliny The Elder, Natural History, Book VIII]
In memory of TARA [1997 - 2009]
Much loved family hound. Of mongrel birth, but infinitely noble spirit. An unconditional friend and a true companion. To be sadly missed, but fondly remembered for the great love and fun that she brought.
[A dog that loved to run]
[A dog that loved to run]
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