10 September 2017

Conflict on the Streets of York

[Amazonian fighting in the streets: All over some bloke called Morris ...?!?]

Violent scenes of conflict on the streets of York left the Emperor reminiscing about troubled histories from his own ancient past:

''And now civil discord broke out again worse than ever and increased enormously. Massacres, banishments, and proscriptions of both senators and knights took place straightway, including great numbers of both classes, the chiefs of factions surrendering their enemies to each other, and for this purpose not sparing even their friends and brothers; so much did animosity toward rivals overpower the love of kindred.''

[Appian, Civil Wars, I.5]

9 September 2017

That'll Do Pig

"Animals of this kind delight in rolling in the mud. The tail is curled. and it has also been remarked, that those are a more acceptable offering to the gods, whose tail is turned to the right than those which have it turned to the left."

[Pliny the Elder, Natural History, VIII.77]

[Some nervous looking piggies that tempted the Emperor in the city of York, Sept 2017]